Sunday, September 26, 2010

Flash-Frozen Plums

We have done a good job this summer of taking advantage of the wonderful produce that has been available.  We have made a ton of fruit salads, but we have also made an effort to freeze a lot of fruit for later use in smoothies. 

In order to keep fruit from sticking together when you freeze it, you are supposed to 'flash freeze' it on cookie sheets for an hour or two and then put it in ziploc-style bags for future use.  It is as easy as it looks... just rinse and cut your fruit, then space it out on a cookie sheet and freeze.
[Side note: always label the bags of fruit with what they are and the date they were frozen.  Sometimes it is hard to tell how long something has been in the freezer.] 

We got a whole box of great plums a few weeks ago and were not going to be able to eat them all before they went bad.  John thought it would be a good idea to use the apple wedger to cut them.  When he did, they didn't cut all the way through.  We were left with great flower of plum which looked really neat on the cookie sheets... so of course I had to snap a few photos.  =) 

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